Medical Services
You Can Trust

Welcome! I am Dr Sarah McLay, founder of the Clermont Country Practice located in Clermont, Isaac region Queensland.

Clermont Country Practice commenced operating 2 September 2019 thanks to the generosity and support from Blair Athol.

You can find us at 38 Jellicoe Street, Clermont Qld 4721.

We look forward to welcoming you.


Practice Update

21st January 2025


I would like to confirm that Clermont Country Practice has closed it’s doors as of the 17th of January 2025. We will have administration staff available in the morning on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for a few weeks following closure. We had previously arranged specific patient follow up but will be unable to offer any new appointments until further notice.
I am in the process of exploring selling the clinic on to another organisation, so that it has a chance of remaining open but in fresh hands. I see this as the last opportunity for Clermont to retain 2 clinics and therefore continued access to more services.
As of February, the kids and I will be relocating to Emerald. I will be working with Emerald Medical Group in a role that I am really excited about. Appointments will be available for face to face, phone and telehealth to aid with the challenges of distance. As always, I suggest that patients book in a few appointments ahead to ensure continued access to appointments.
There will be times that patients are unable to see me for simple but important things outside of planned appointments (ie. chest infection or medical certificate) and that is something that we simply have to work around given the present shortage of doctors. It’s a reality that one person can not be available to every individual, all of the time.
There are many of you that won’t follow me and that’s okay.
Its my hope that with time, the practice that I have built with the enormous support of my present and past staff, will continue to service this community in some way shape or form. I would love to be a part of its future and hopefully continue to provide some visiting clinics (as able) with time.
As mentioned prior, we will provide administrative support for a period until the practice has a clear direction.
Emails will continue to be functional but there will be a delay in response.
If you want your records transferred, they will be available to do so following a request from your chosen practice.
If you wish to follow us to Emerald, I will have your records with me.
If you have outstanding results that you wish to have followed up outside of my services at Emerald Medical Group, please contact us, so we can assist you to coordinate this.
Our rooms will continue to be utilised by visiting allied health teams. We recognise how important their services are and will do all we can to continue to offer them a space to work from.
Recalls, reminders and text message prompts about your health care will continue to be sent, as they include reminders that will be important to your ongoing healthcare. Ie. Papsmear, blood test, injection and bowel screen reminders.
A special thank you to our Telehealth Doctors for their time and support over the last 6 months. Dr Scott and Dr Penny have moved onto other roles and we wish them all the best for their future. Dr Penny was our longest standing telehealth doctor starting with us back in March of 2021. Dr Zoe is open to providing telehealth services in the future for this region but is currently embracing her maternity leave.
A very special thanks to my exceptional staff Britt and Kellie, who have been incredibly patient, understanding, and supportive over months of uncertainty. To those staff that have been a part of CCP in the past, I send you my sincerest gratitude. I couldn’t have made it here without every one of you. We built something amazing and for all the challenges we should be proud of what we have offered this town over the last 5 years.
That’s it for now, we will touch base with the community as we know more.
Dr Sarah


COVID-19 Tips

Wash your hands with soapy runny water often

Stay away from crowded places

Use telehealth to keep in contact with your doctors
